December 31, 2011

My New Year’s Resolutions

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year
’s Day. - Edith Lovejoy Pierce :)

Dear God,

How can I use the New Year
To better serve my Lord?
I’ll read my Bible every day,
And grow closer in You.

I’ll keep kindness ways to serve others;
I’ll love my neighbours, too.
I’ll focus on the "give" instead of the "get",
In everything I do.

I’ll forgive the people I’m dissapoint at;
Angry feelings I’ll discard;
I’ll try to love people in their unique ways,
God, please help me.

I’ll love my family, love one(s), and bestfriends,
More and more each day.
I’ll respect and always pray for the best,
Because my love for them is true.

I’ll do my tasks and duties,
And make my parents proud of me.
I’ll please my Father God,
And be a daughter You really want me to be.

I’ll always pray for a thankful heart,
For it’s the only way to reach my happiness.
I’ll always keep my hope and faith,
For You have made everything beautiful in Your time.

In the New Year, I’ll lift people up,
Empowering and motivating.
I’ll fill my heart with love, cheers and joy,
And never wear a frown.

I’ll let go of my worries;
I’ll put it all in Your hands;
I’ll repent and try to sin less,
And obey all Your commands.

These New Year’s resolutions
Are difficult, at best,
But there’s something I can do each day:
I’ll make the best of every day.

I’ll love my Jesus with all my heart,
With all my mind and soul,
And if I do that essential thing,
All the rest will be in control.

That’s all, my God.
Draw me close to You,
and make my dreams come true.
For I know You will,
Someday in Your perfect time.


December 21, 2011

Happy Mother's Day, My Greatest Mom! ♥

"Mothers hold their children's hands for a short while, but their hearts forever." - Anonymus

Suatu hari seorang bayi bertanya kepada Tuhan, "Mereka bilang Kau akan mengirimku ke bumi besok. Apakah itu benar? Lagu bagaimana bisa aku akan tinggal di sana? Aku begitu kecil dan tak berdaya.."

"Malaikatmu akan menunggu dan akan menjagamu."

Sang bayi bertanya lebih lanjut, "Tetapi katakan padaku, di sini (Surga) aku tidak perlu melakukan apapun kecuali bernyanyi dan tersenyum untuk bahagia."

Tuhan berkata, "Malaikatmu akan bernyanyi dan juga akan tersenyum untukmu. Kamu akan merasakan kasih tulus malaikatmu dan merasa sangat bahagia.."

Sekali lagi bayi itu bertanya, "Dan bagaimana aku akan mampu mengerti saat orang berbicara kepadaku jika aku tidak tahu bahasa?"

Tuhan berkata, "Malaikatmu akan memberitahumu kata-kata paling indah dan termanis yang pernah kamu dengar. Dan dengan penuh kesabaran dan kasih sayang, malaikatmu sendiri yang akan mengajarkanmu bagaimana caranya berbicara."

"Dan apa yang harus aku lakukan saat aku ingin berbicara dengan-Mu?"

Tuhan berkata, "Malaikatmu akan melipatkan tanganmu bersama-sama dan akan mengajarkanmu bagaimana caranya berdoa."

"Lalu, siapa yang akan melindungiku di saat aku butuh pertolongan?"

Tuhan berkata, "Malaikatmu akan melindungi dan membelamu, sekalipun hal tersebut harus mempertaruhkan nyawanya."

"Tetapi aku akan sedih karena aku takkan bisa melihat-Mu lagi."

Tuhan berkata, "Malaikatmu akan selalu berbicara dan menceritakan banyak hal kepadamu tentang Aku dan akan mengajarkanmu cara untuk dapat kembali kepada-Ku suatu saat nanti, meskipun sesungguhnya Aku akan selalu ada di sampingmu."


Pada saat itu ada kedamaian di Surga, namun suara-suara dari Bumi dapat didengar-Nya, dan setiap bayi yang harus pergi kemudian bertanya, "Tuhan, jika aku memang harus pergi sekarang, dapatkah Engkau memberitahuku siapa nama malaikatku?"

"Kamu akan selalu memanggilnya,"MAMA.'"

... The baby grows up. She learned many things. Then, at one day she realized how blessed she is to have her angel besides her. She said gratefully, "God, I do believe in love at the first sight, because I know I've been loving my mom since the first time I opened my eyes. Thank God I've met my angel. Thank You for sending me: "MOM" :)

! :)

With love,

December 20, 2011

Reasons To Rejoice ♥

"And many waters cannot quench this love."

"God gave His life in a beautiful exchange."

"God's love doesn't keep us from trials; it helps us get through them."

"Life isn't always fair, but God is always faithful."

"The Lord will fight for you, you only have to be still."

"For Him to increase, I must decrease."

"He is with you, even at your very weakest. Never lose faith in Him, because He will never lose faith in you."

"I am weak but my God is strong. I lack many things but I have Him. Though I'm tired, I know He's not tired of loving me. And that's enough inspirations for me to live each day."

"Dear Problem, watch out! I'll show you how big my God is."

"When you're tempted to lose patience with someone, think how patient God has been with you all the time."

"Don't follow your feelings, follow your faith. Feelings may lead you to failure, but faith will lead you to the Father."

"Don't just have good intentions, but instead have God's intentions and make extraordinary Godly decisions."

"Never worry about the delay of your success compared to others. Because constructions of a palace takes more time than an ordinary building."

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

"Get close to God first before getting close to anyone else. God without a man is still God, but a man without God is nothing."

"The deepest level of worships are praising God in spite of pain, thanking God during a trial, trusting Him when tempted, surrendering while suffering, and loving Him when He seems distant."

"Where God guides, He provides."

"God is my strength and my refuge. His love for me is endless."

"When you are in a difficult situation, just remind yourself that nothing is too hard for your Saviour."

"Prayer is the place where pride is abandoned, hope is lifted, and supplication is made."

"Every experience God gives us, every person He puts into our lives, is the perfect preparation for a future only He can see."

"In your presence is fullness of joy."

"My cup overflows. Thank You, God."

"His grace is bigger than our needs."

"God could live anywhere in the world but He chose to live in your heart."

"In the middle of my little mess, I forget how big I'm blessed."

"Broken things can become blessed things if you let God do the mending."

"When God looks at you, he doesn't see you as a 'maybe' or a 'what if''. When God looks at you, He simply says, 'You have an incredible destiny!'"

"The heavenly father is crazy about you. How amazing is that?"

"Anything that causes you to pray is a blessing."

"The Bible is like a compass that always points you to the right direction."

"Sometimes it takes a painful situation to make us change our ways."

"Receiving Jesus as our Saviour doesn't make life easy. But your worst day with Jesus will be better than your best day ever was without Him."

"Looking forward strains the eyesights; looking upwards opens heaven."

"With God, giving up is never a choice."

"The closer you walk with God, the less room for anything to come between."

"True strength is simply holding onto God when we feel weak."

"As I carry this cross, You will carry me."

"People think I'm strong enough for the struggles I've had, problems I've encountered, and pains I've felt. But they are wrong. Because I have a weak heart. But behind me is a strong God."

"I'll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back Home."

P.S.: Hope could be blessings for everyone who reads.


December 18, 2011

God Is Good All The Time☺

"When your life is beginning to turn bad, feel that things aren't going your way and all around you begin to fade, God's plan for you becomes bigger and better than before. Never regret or being sad about your yesterdays. If it's good, you truly deserved that, and if it's bad, it's a huge experience as God's way to give you lessons of life in order to make a better you in your today and tomorrow." :)

Tahun 2011 akan segera berakhir. Hari demi hari, bulan demi bulan sudah kita lewati. Baik itu susah maupun senang, sedih maupun gembira, naik maupun turun, hal yang dirasa enak maupun yang tidak mengenakan, semua telah bercampur baur seiring waktu berjalan. Time flies and taught us many things.. Begitu banyak suka-duka, pengalaman, dan pelajaran hidup yang kita terima.

Menghitung kembali hari-hari yang telah kita lalui bersama Tuhan - sesuatu yang sangat indah, bukan? Sekalipun mungkin banyak peristiwa dan pengalaman sulit serta pergumulan-pergumulan hidup yang tidak jarang mengisi hari-hari. Namun di balik semua peristiwa yang diijinkan Tuhan terjadi atas hidup kita (jika dilihat bagaimana Ia merancang hidup orang-orang percaya dan menjanjikan segala berkat yang terbaik dan terindah pada waktu-Nya), maka sesungguhnya tidak ada satu peristiwa pun dalam hidup ini yang terjadi dengan sia-sia. Everything happens for a reason, and it's always for the best. God has reason we may not see now, but someday.. Tetap percaya dan yakin semua akan indah pada waktunya.

Aku belajar banyak hal, berusaha memahami dan mengerti bahwa Tuhan selalu menginginkan dan memberikan yang terbaik untuk hidupku.. dan karena aku percaya segala yang terjadi adalah untuk yang terbaik, aku belajar untuk selalu bersyukur dalam setiap keadaan, karena aku tahu pasti bahwa Tuhan Yesus baik.

Ketika aku sedih karena kangen rumah, Tuhan ingin menjadikanku seseorang yang kuat dan mandiri. Ketika aku kesepian karena kangen keluarga, Tuhan ingin aku menyadari bahwa aku sangat membutuhkan mereka. Tuhan ingin agar aku lebih lagi mencintai dan menghargai keberadaan mereka. Ketika aku mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar, Tuhan ingin aku tidak menyerah dan terus berjuang. Ketika aku tidak mendapatkan hasil ujian dengan nilai yang baik, Tuhan ingin aku berusaha lebih giat lagi.

Ketika aku tidak mendapatkan apa yang aku inginkan, Tuhan justru memberikan apa yang aku butuhkan. Ketika aku bergumul dalam doa-doaku, Tuhan menguji kesetiaanku. Ketika aku mengeluh karena jawaban Tuhan dirasa terlalu lama, Tuhan ingin aku bersabar dan bertekun dalam imanku.

Ketika aku bahagia karena nilai ujianku bagus, Tuhan ingin aku tidak cepat berpuas diri dan tetap bersyukur. Ketika aku bahagia karena memiliki teman-teman yang sangat baik, Tuhan ingin aku tahu bahwa banyak orang menyayangiku. Dan ketika aku bahagia karena akhirnya satu per satu doaku dijawab-Nya, Tuhan membuktikan cinta-Nya yang kurasakan nyata dalam hidupku.

I'm grateful, Lord, for every moment I've been through. I can do all things through Yourself who strenghen me. And I always believe, I will never walk alone, because You will always stand beside me, accompany me and save me, forever. Thankyou Jesus, my Strength and my Refuge.

May we not live in the past, because it has done. What we have is today. So, live in the present, make the best of every day and always hope the best for tomorrow. The best is always yet to come! Goodbye and thankyou 2011! Welcome 2012! SOON!
God is good all the time, and all the time God is good :)

Apapun yang terjadi di dalam hidupku, selalu ku berkata: "TUHAN YESUS BAIK."
