July 23, 2010

Because You're Very Special ♥

"Love reaches out in many little ways, showing attention and admiration. Love remembers what pleases someone we love, what excited, and what surprises him/her. Its actions whisper: you are the most special person in my life.."

Because you're very special..

Here's a simple care
Especially to show
How much you mean to me.

Because you're very special..

Today is so special
more than the other day,
to send a greatest birthday greeting
and all the lovely birthday wishes.

Because you're very special..

You surely have to know
without a doubt,
there's no-one nicer than you
or anyone other
to wish Happy Birthday to.

Because you're very special..

I always pray for you
May your birthday be bright
and nicer than ever before.

Because you're very special..

My wish you'll be more blessed
for every people around you.
Always be the light
and 'something' for the world.

Because you're very special..

I always have hopes
May your happiness grows each day;
and your life be fullfilled,
until all your dreams come true.

Because you're very special..

I hope these lovely surprises;
lovely cares and all the love
from the deepest heart,
can make TODAY

At last, I wanna say thank you..
You've done so many beautiful things in my life, and I don't know where to start. Nothing could have been more welcome than your love, that always gives me pleasure and gratefulness, to cheer up every-single-day and thank GOD for this beautiful life.

As my promise that I always say..
I will never be perfect for you, but I always try to do my best, the best that I can do, with the best love -- everyday more, everyday grows, and everyday better.

Let me say today..
All the best for you, Dhi..
Jesus loves you, and so do I.
Thank you for being the one.
Thank you for everything :)

Although from the distance,
this is a little thing with a great love.

For a special one -- the one and only,
Adi Kurniawan

With Love,

July 7, 2010

A Thing Called 'LOVE'

"Love is a promise; love is like a souvenir..
Once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.."


ialah memiliki seseorang yang istimewa.
Satu -- di mana kita dapat PERCAYA,
untuk bercerita apapun.
Berbagi tawa dan air mata
sebagai kekasih, sahabat, & saudara.

ialah memiliki seseorang untuk diajak bicara,
saat tidak ada orang lain yang mendengarkan.
Cinta selalu MENDENGARKAN,
apapun keluhan kita.

ialah seseorang yang dapat
segala kekurangan dan ke-tidaksempurna-an.

ialah seseorang yang MENGHARGAI
keberadaan dirinya,
dan juga 'dia' yang mencintainya.

ialah perasaan BAHAGIA,
layaknya berbaring di padang bunga yang indah,
dengan berjuta-juta warna dan harumnya.

ialah saat KESABARAN diuji,
dan KESETIAAN menjadi yang utama --
terutama saat cinta terpisah jauh.

ialah sebentuk
terhadap hal-hal kecil yang menyukakan hati.

tidak mengenal kata IRI HATI,
karena cinta tahu dirinya istimewa --
punya kelebihan dan keunikan.
Cinta mampu melihatnya.

selalu mau MELAYANI
dengan sepenuh hati,
tanpa harap-terima-kasih,
tanpa sesuatu-untuk-dicari.

dengan segala yang terbaik,
yang dimiliki-nya.

bertumbuh ketika
seseorang memiliki HARAPAN
untuk terus maju dan melangkah --
tidak berhenti dan menyerah.

Walau mungkin cinta pernah gagal --
atau telah jatuh berulang-kali,
cinta mampu bangkit
dan tersenyum kembali ('',)

ialah segenap TAWA & TANGIS,
yang mewarnai hari-hari.
yang mengisi lembar-lembar kehidupan.

ialah semua KENANGAN INDAH,
yang dilalui setiap waktu.

Cinta selalu suka untuk mengingat
segala hal yang baik,
bahkan setiap hal kecil yang bermakna --
dan menyadari sepenuhnya..
bahwa 'hidup ini indah,
jika dipenuhi dengan kasih'.

ialah milik mereka yang mempunyai
bahwa cinta bukan untuk sementara,
melainkan untuk selamanya.


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; It is not self-seeking, nor easily angered. It keeps no record of wrongdoing. It does not delight in evil, but rejoices in the truth. It always protects, trusts, hopes, and preserves. There is nothing love cannot face; There is no limit to its faith, hope, and endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: Faith, Hope, and Love.
But the greatest of them all is LOVE.
(1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

°for a special one, Adi Kurniawan°

With Love,