June 16, 2011

Happy 18th Birthday, Sweet Sister!

Cerita sedikit mengenai kejutan kecil ini. Aku sebetulnya sangat bingung, mau kasih surprise apa untuk ulang tahun Citra kali ini. Setelah memikirkannya selama beberapa hari - di tengah rutinitas kuliah yang berlangsung seperti biasa, akhirnya terpikirlah ide untuk membuat kejutan berupa ucapan selamat ulang tahun dengan menggunakan beberapa karton manila warna-warni, kemudian mengguntingnya satu per satu menjadi huruf-huruf A, B, C, D, H, I, P, R, T, Y dan akhirnya disusun hingga membentuk kalimat: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CITRA

Awalnya aku pun agak bingung dalam memilih warna karton, sampai akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk membeli tiga karton manila berwarna ungu, pink, dan merah. Setelah membelinya, mengguntingnya satu per satu sampai mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan, kemudian aku pun berfoto menggunakan huruf-huruf tersebut, meng-edit-nya menggunakan Polaroid Effect, dan setelah itu diatur sedemikian rupa hingga menjadi suatu gambar yang menarik.

Hmm, memang agak sulit dalam proses pengeditan dan penyusunan masing-masing gambar tersebut, dikarenakan kualitas laptop yang sudah kurang baik. Hehe. Aku pun harus mengulangnya sampai tiga kali. But.. Love removes effort! And it's true indeed! Ketika kita melakukan sesuatu untuk orang yang kita cintai, rasanya pekerjaan sesulit dan seberat apapun akan kita perjuangkan, dan bahkan kita akan dengan senang hati menjalaninya. Bukan hanya untuk orang yang kita cintai, melainkan pula untuk pekerjaan, tugas, atau hal-hal lainnya yang menjadi kesenangan kita.

And.. Yaay! Thank God I've finally finished it at weekend!
Aku memang sengaja mengerjakannya lebih dulu, karena kalau sudah masuk hari-hari kuliah seperti biasanya, aku takut ngga selesai sampai batas waktu maksimal - hari Kamis malam.

Finally... That's it!

Maybe this is less than just a simple thing, not even have a price. But I have made it with a great love, just for you, Sister..

Dear Sister,

You are the ONE who made my childhood special. And although the times have already gone, the sweet memories will never ever fade, because
sisterhood is forever.

You should know, that you are my support, my strength, my bestfriend, my soul, my heart, and my life. Even the distance se
parates us - even there's a thousand mile between us now, we know we're always close in heart.

Remembering you on your special day is an honor for me. I'm wishing you healthy and happiness forever, my dearest sister. I'm sending you all of my prayers, and may you have a blessed year ahead! Thank you for all the awesome times we've shared together, and we still share, until the end of our life.

The video you've made for me, it's brilliant! I can't stop crying every time I see it. I'm so proud of you for everything. And I really know that I'm so in loved by you. Thank you, Ta. Thank you!

Once more, thank you v
ery much! Everything I do, it will never be enough compared with the present that you are to me. I feel trully blessed to have a great sister like you. May you always be blessings in our family, in Church, in University, in environments - and all is for everyone around you, and for the world. May you achieve and get all that you ever wish for! Love you, my sweet sister. Always have and always will :)

A perfect sister I'm
not, but I always be grateful for the one I've got: Citra Putriarum.

“She is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. Some days, she's the reason you wish you were an only child.” - Barbara Alpert


From the one who's missing you all the time,

Your Sister

June 10, 2011


"Prayer is not getting man's will done in heaven, but getting God's will done on earth. It is not overcoming God's reluctance, but laying hold of God's willingness."
- Richard C. Trench


A quiet time to devote ourselves to God.

A communication with God to be in His presence.

A fellowship with God to remain obedient to His command.

A time to talk and listen to God: a dialogue.

A time to express our dependance to God.

A time to praise God for His power, presence, and wisdom.

A time to thank God for His love and grace.

A time to make known our intercessions, requests, and petitions.

A personal thing with God.

A hope that asked by faith and simplicity - like a child talks to his or her father.

Persistent prayer is praying relentlessly keeps on asking, seeking, and knocking.

A priceless contribution we can make to the life of other people: spreading God's kingdom and its righteousness, be a true blessings for others.

Prayer increases faith.

Prayer provides a place to release burdens.

Prayer assures that God is near.

Prayer improves relationships.

Prayer changes YOU!

Let's enjoy the prayerfulness,

June 1, 2011


Giving up is easy,
when your dreams seem far away.

Life is full of obstacles,
you face them every day.

But, no matter what the challenges are,
some FAITH will get you through it.

So, never quit
Just remember:

Teruslah bisikkan kata-kata ini di dalam hatimu. Semoga post yang singkat ini bisa menjadi penyemangat sekaligus motivasi kita dalam menyambut hari-hari di bulan yang baru.

The best motivation always comes from within.
Goodbye, May 2011! and welcome, June 2011! :)

You can do it,